
Breaking Stereotypes: Gender Representation in Korean Film “Ballerina”

Jumat, 27 Desember 2024 | Desember 27, 2024 WIB Last Updated 2025-02-04T11:45:12Z

film, hollywood, gender
Sumber: Times
NARRAN.ID, RESENSI - In recent years, the Korean film industry has often raised themes regarding gender issues by presenting female main characters as the main representation. The South Korean film "Ballerina" (2023) is interesting because it raises a gender theme that breaks traditional stereotypes often attached to women in cinema. Women are usually placed in secondary roles and depicted as weak, helpless creatures, and only defined by their relationships with male characters. In this film, Women break the stereotype of women's position by presenting a strong and empowered female protagonist character facing social expectations and exploring an emotional journey. This essay aims to analyze how the film "Ballerina" not only challenges gender roles but also raises broader issues regarding identity, empowerment, and resilience. The analysis of this film uses a feminist theory approach through the representation of the main female character in the movie. Thus, this film is not only a medium for entertainment but also how the film becomes a vessel to reveal and influence society's perception of gender.


The film "Ballerina" (2023) tells the story of a friendship between a bodyguard and a ballerina. Ok Ju, a bodyguard, lives alone and lonely until finally meeting MinHee, a ballerina and a cake shopkeeper. Their initial meeting began with Ok Ju, who wanted to buy a cake, and Min Hee, who realized that her customer was having a birthday but had no friends to celebrate it with. That made Min Hee join Ok Ju's birthday party. Their friendship began to form into a very close one from then on. However, their togetherness was interrupted because of their respective busy lives. Min Hee contacted Ok Ju again because she missed her, and Ok Ju immediately rushed to Min Hee's apartment. Something unexpected happened; Min Hee ended her life by committing suicide. Min Hee asked Ok Ju to help her avenge the person who had destroyed Min Hee.

Result and Discussion

Gender representation in media, especially film, has become increasingly relevant. The film industry today has raised many gender issues in women to show gender stereotypes. Gender representation in cinema has a major impact on society because women in films tend to be portrayed as weak and victim-like figures. (Hasson, 2023). Female characters are often reduced to objects or limited characters. However, along with the film industry's evolution, it has begun to show more complex and empowered female characters. Film is a mass media that is widely and quickly consumed, so it can be a means to show gender issues in women.

Moral messages in films have great potential to positively and emotionally influence society (Safitri, 2024). Gender representation in films influences audience perceptions of gender roles and identities. Film as a medium can shape social and cultural views, including views on women. By understanding gender representation, it can shape mindsets about gender roles in society. Understanding representation influences individual thinking and can contribute to broader social change by creating more open thinking on gender issues (Liza et al., 2024). It is important for critical analysis of film content because representation in the media can influence people's attitudes and behaviours towards gender and create unrealistic expectations about the role of women in everyday life. The film is also used as an educational tool to convey feminist issues. (Yiming Wei, 2024). The film "Ballerina" (2023) shows strength and resilience and challenges existing gender norms.

The film "Ballerina" (2023) is related to gender studies on the gender theory of "Performative Gender" by Judith Butler. In her book "Gender Trouble" (1990), Judith Butler 1990 argues that gender is not a fixed identity at all but is produced from identities that are repeatedly formed through Actions. In this film, the main character (Ok Ju) shows that gender identity is not fixed but results from repeated actions and behaviours. The character Ok Ju takes various actions that break traditional stereotypes, such as daring to take risks and maintaining independence when facing challenges. The film "Ballerina" (2023) successfully shows that the interaction between the main character and her social environment illustrates how the social construction of gender can be questioned and changed through one's Actions.

Socio-Cultural Aspect

Friendship, "Ballerina" (2023) tells the story of two best friends between two women with different personalities. Ok Ju has a brave, strong and tough personality but is quiet. At the same time, Min Hee has a feminine, spoiled, and cheerful personality, so they complement each other. Their friendship in this film is shown through their first meeting, which happened accidentally at a cake shop that Min Hee guarded at that time. Their friendship began at that time and complemented each other. The aspect of friendship between the characters Ok Ju and Min Hee is seen in Ok Ju's struggle and determination to avenge Min Hee, who was a victim of sexual harassment. In addition, Ok Ju also felt several times that she had failed to protect Min Hee by not accepting Min Hee's departure.

Violence Issue, In this film, the main theme is violence against women, sex trafficking, and revenge porn. Min Hee becomes a victim of sexual harassment that ends with her death. Min Hee not only experiences sexual violence, but she also experiences revenge porn. Where Min Hee feels threatened by the spread of her pornographic video. Min Hee is a victim who is drugged and then raped and recorded, and then certain individuals will trade the video for a purpose.

In the film, it is shown how the perpetrators carry out their criminal actions, namely by going to a bar, and the perpetrators will target women who will then be given drinks that have been drugged. After that, the victim will be taken to a hotel, and after the victim faints, the victim will be raped and recorded. In this case, women are harmed and intimidated. As in traditional stereotypes, women are weak and vulnerable creatures, so it is easy to make them victims of such criminal acts.

Gender Representation, The main character in this film is an independent, strong and tough protagonist, thus conveying an important message about women's empowerment. This film focuses on the main character's revenge by using violence. Even so, this film shows Ok Ju has fighting skills and remains in a social system that does not side with women. This indicates that representation highlights the importance of showing women in strong roles that are not easily oppressed and empowered by changing the narrative that often places women as weak and helpless creatures.

In this film, Ok Ju disguises herself as a woman, and her appearance is far from Ok Ju's everyday appearance. Ok Ju, who usually appears in a style similar to men by always wearing all black and simple clothes, must disguise herself with feminine clothes to trick the perpetrators. This is related to gender performative developed by Judith Butler, where the character Ok Ju shows that her identity is formed through her daily behaviour so that Ok Ju is depicted as a strong, brave and good at-fighting woman.

Social Issue, The social issues shown in this film are sexual violence, rape, trafficking of women, and revenge porn. In this film, Ok Ju deals with the perpetrators who caused the death of her best friend. After the death of her best friend, Ok Ju avenges her best friend against the perpetrators. Through this case, Ok Ju becomes aware of the criminal problems. Ok Ju deals with criminals who make drugs to sedate victims, then there is one character, Choi Pro, who acts as an executioner to execute victims who have fainted to be raped and recorded. Where the recording will be sold on illegal sites. Then, human trafficking is shown when there is a female high school student who helps free Ok Ju when her disguise is revealed when Ok Ju pretends to faint and attacks Choi Pro. A fight occurs, and Ok Ju almost loses to Choi Pro. Then, the female student helps Ok Ju fight the perpetrators to escape. The female student is a victim of human trafficking who is trapped in the hotel. Since then, Ok Ju has worked with the female student to fight the perpetrators.

Social Critique, The film "Ballerina" (2023) indirectly criticizes social issues that occur in real life. The phenomenon of revenge porn that is often found in real life has become a deep social issue. This phenomenon not only affects women who are victims but also reflects broader problems related to power, control and gender in society. This phenomenon is a serious violation of privacy and human rights. The distribution of this pornographic content is made without the consent of one party and is considered detrimental so that it can damage a person's reputation in society. This film shows an issue that makes society aware of it, and it is hoped that society will make changes and show social support to protect each other from this phenomenon. Society can work together to overcome this issue by raising awareness, supporting victims, protecting victims, and creating a social atmosphere that can understand the importance of respecting individual privacy.


Paper in Ballet Shoes, In this film, there is a scene where Ok Ju comes to Min Hee's apartment and Ok Ju finds a gift box with a red ribbon on Min Hee's bed. The box contains a pair of ballet shoes with paper folded into a boat shape. The paper comprises Min Hee's last request to Ok Ju to take revenge on the perpetrator who destroyed Min Hee's life. This can symbolise Min Hee's hope and trust in Ok Ju, her best friend. The symbol of this paper can be Min Hee's helplessness and despair because she feels that she has no more hope to live her life.

Ideology or Message

The film "Ballerina" (2023) raises the theme of revenge as a form of injustice. This is shown in the character of Ok Ju, who fights to avenge her best friend, who ended her life because there was no justice for her. This film also has a message to criticize society against serious issues such as human trafficking, revenge porn, and sexual violence. This case is similar to the Nth Room case in the real world, which shocked South Korea. The Nth room case is a criminal case that trades in videos of sexual exploitation from various groups to minors. The film "Ballerina" (2023) shows the bitter experiences of victims of sexual crimes, and it is hoped that the social community can increase awareness related to the issue of sexual violence in the social environment.


The film "Ballerina" (2023) successfully raises the issue of gender and the representation of women in a profound way. Through the representation of women in the main character, this film challenges traditional stereotypes that often limit the role of women in films. By presenting brave, strong, and tough female characters, the film is not only for entertainment but also as a tool to criticize existing gender norms. The friendship between Ok Ju and Min Hee shows the importance of emotional support in dealing with a problem. Judith Butler's performative gender theory approach clearly shows that gender identity is formed through repeated actions and behaviours.



Khairunniza, L. D. E., Handani, S. S., Mustika, D., & Haryani, Y. (2024). Analysis of Gender Representation in The Main Characters of The Film Barbie 2023: A Social Science Educational Perspective. Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi, 13(01).

Safitri, T. A., & Al-Ma’ruf, A. I. (2024). Gender Violence in the Film Posesif by Gina S. Noer and its Relevance as Indonesian Language Teaching Material. Journal La Sociale, 5(2), 398-410.

Salih, S. (2007). On Judith butler and performativity. Sexualities and communication in everyday life: A reader, 55-68.

Wei, Y. (2024). The role of film as an educational tool for feminism: A comparative study of Korean and Chinese cinema. Arts Educa, 38

Writer :
Adissya Rizky Utami (Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris UNJ)
Atikah Ruslianti, S.S., M.Hum (Dosen Sastra Inggris UNJ)
Narita Pratiwi, S.S., M.Hum (Dosen Sastra Inggris UNJ)

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