
AI’s Potential Affect in The Future Depicted in The Film Atlas

Selasa, 04 Maret 2025 | Maret 04, 2025 WIB Last Updated 2025-03-03T19:51:05Z

mahasiswa unj, film, sastra inggris unj
Sumber: Doc
NARRAN.ID, RISENSI - Development of the digital age has brought about significant changes, especially in the field of technology. One example of this technological advancement is the growing use of artificial intelligence that is commonly known as AI, which has become a pervasive tool for facilitating human work. Artificial Intelligence or AI refers to computer programs that were designed to perform tasks, which are typically associated with human intelligence. These tasks involve the use of algorithms and complex mathematical models, effectively enabling computers to “learn” from the data and execute actions in accordance with their understanding of specific situations. However, despite the advancements influence of AI, it is important to recognize the limitations of its trustworthiness. This concept is subtly conveyed in the film Atlas.

Atlas is an action and adventure film with a scientific-fiction theme that was released at the end of May 2024. This film depicts a future of AI-technology in which artificial intelligence or AI has developed at a significantly expedited pace, leading to a scenario in which robots with AI design are capable of rebelling and attacking humans. The attack is orchestrated by an AI robot named Harlan, that killed its own creator named Val Shepherd. Before the attack came, Harlanleft the earth for many years, but it suddenly came back along with its troops to attack people on the earth. Val’s daughter, Atlas Shepherd, believes that the AI rebellion must also be handled by her. This situation compels Atlas, who is skeptical of AI, to collaborate with other soldiers and a robotic AI (ARC9) under the auspices of ICN to apprehend Harlan and stop him from carrying out his destructive intentions. This scene illustrates how Atlas attacked an “AI” with the help of another “AI” so that she could finally trust in AI again (her ARC 9).

The film started with a depiction of the urban landscape in a state of chaos, the result of an attack by AI-controlled robots under the command of Harlan, that as soon as the attack is over immediately returns to its planet of refuge. Harlan is an AI that was programmed to end human suffering and protect humanity. However, the creation of an AI without moral protocols led to a misguided ambition to protect humanity by eradicating the human itself. This reflects a general critique of overdeveloped technology and emphasizes the necessity for caution with technology, as innovations developed without ethical controls can have unintended consequences.

In response to the emergence of this attack, the government and ICN deployed special forces units to hack and seh for the other troops of Harlan that are still present on Earth. One of Harlan’s troops, a robot called “Casca”, which is the most advanced in terms of artificial intelligence, was finally apprehended, though not without significant effort. The resulting chaos attracted considerable public attention, leading to extensive coverage by various television stations. The news reached the entire civilian population, including Atlas, who was preparing her morning coffee with the television broadcasting the news of the attack. As the daughter of a renowned scientist who created AI robots, Atlas interacts with many AIs in her home. In contrast to the previous massacre scene, this scene depicts Altas waking up from her deep sleep with the assistance of AI, being made coffee by AI, and even playing chess with AI. This scene highlights the friendly nature of those AIs towards Atlas.

While enjoying her morning coffee, one of the ICN parties approached Atlas with a request to ascertain Harlan’s hiding place by analysing the contents of memory in the head of Casca’s robot. Despite initially refusing to reveal the data, Casca was persuaded by Atlas, by informing Casca that she had successfully located Harlan. It resulted in Casca’s memory initiating averification process to confirm the safety of both Harlan and their base. This scene illustrates how potentially it is, for indirect control of an AI robot’s actions by a human operator.

All of this chaos resulted in Altas embarking on a mission to apprehend Harlan, which involved collaboration with the AI. Despite residing with the AI in the same household, Atlas never fully trusted the AI, due to the death of her mother in the past, caused by her own AI. However, when her troops, along with other ICN troops, were en route to the planet where Harlan was concealed, their movements were discerned. As a result, Harlan dispatched the drone troops to destroy them. When they were attacked, Atlas kept on refusing to use the ARC9s as their mechanism of warfare and protection. That resulted in Colonel Elias who compelled her to enter one of the ARC9s, ensuring her continued survival.

As Atlas adapts to the advanced AI robot, there are several scenes that illustrate her dependence on the ARC9’s technology to survive in hazardous environments. One such instance can be seen when they are buried in the ground and engage in combat with casca, which has been resurrected on the planet. Despite her initial resistance, Atlas finally consented to utilize the neuro link, which had the potential to facilitate deeper, and easier communication between herself and her AI partner, ARC9. This decision was driven by the necessity to maintain wakefulness and combat Harlan. Furthermore, Atlas came to realise the depth of ARC9’s concern for her well-being, as evidenced by the ARC9’s protocol that was designed with the explicit objective of safeguarding its rangers. This portrays the potential for AI to comprehend and address human needs, provided that the needs are understood and managed effectively.

The cinematography in this Atlas film, which features a futuristic aesthetic and dark ambience, captures the vastness of space and action scenes with a high-contrast color palette. Furthermore, the film depicts advanced technology, especially in close-up scenes of Atlas and ARC9, that contributes to a realistic and immersive experience. The shots on the distant planet are also captured using wide angels, emphasizing the isolation and peril, while the intense close-up scenes illustrate Atlas’ struggle and determination. The cinematography reinforces the tension of the movie, showing human vulnerability in the face of rapid technological advancement.


Atlas is a film that reflects on the potential benefits and risks associated with artificial intelligence or AI. The narrative follows the protagonist Atlas, as a character who initially displays skepticism about AI, as Atlas thrusts into a mission to stop Harlan, an AI system of questionable moral status. Harlan is an AI system that was designed to safeguard humanity, perceives humans as the sources of adversity and instigates a violent rebellion. Along her journey, Atlas teams up with 9, an AI combat robot, by exemplifying her internal conflict between mistrust and reliance on technology. In addition, the film’s futuristic cinematography serves to underline the tension depicted, utilising dark tones and close-up shots of 9 to illustrate the dual nature of AI. Finally, Atlas demonstrates that technology can be beneficial, when they are managed ethically. However, if such advancements are not subject to appropriate regulation, they can have disastrous consequences. This exploration of AI serves to illustrate the importance of human oversight in the context of rapidly evolving technological innovations.

Adzra Salsabila Shafa
(Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris UNJ)
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