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The 2015 Pixar production, entitled Inside Out, narrates the tale of a young girl named Riley and the various emotional states that accompany her through life. In 2024, Pixar released a sequel that continued the exploration of the world of emotions within Riley in a film called Inside Out 2. The five main emotions, which were first introduced in the original film, continue to regulate Riley's emotions, introducing new emotions that emerge as she faces the challenges of teenage life.
The film elucidates the interconnectivity between emotional and mental conflicts, offering novel insights into the ways in which individuals comprehend and harmonise the multifarious emotional impulses and sentiments that reside within themselves. Pixar elected to create Inside Out 2 in order to further examine the emotional and psychological intricacies that emerge during Riley's teenage years. Kelsey Mann, in the capacity of director, and Meg LeFauve, in that of screenwriter, introduced new emotions that serve to illustrate a snapshot of Riley's emotional development during puberty and adolescence. In this sequel, the directors and writers seek to elucidate the intricacies of adolescent psychology while retaining the emotional and philosophical elements that were present in the original film.
The film features new emotions, including anxiety, jealousy, embarrassment and boredom, which collectively portray the complexities of adolescence, including identity conflicts, social pressures and feelings of self-conscious discomfort. To ensure the film's accuracy and authenticity, Kelsey and the production team consulted with a psychologist and a focus group of teenage girls, called 'Riley Crew', comprising nine girls. The girls were tasked with providing input to guarantee that the emotional dynamics of Riley, the film's main character, reflected the experiences of teenagers. Furthermore, the film's primary objective is to demonstrate how the emergence of new emotional dynamics can disrupt the established emotional equilibrium within Riley's psyche. The introduction of these new emotions also offers a comprehensive representation of the emotional transitions that are commonly experienced during adolescence.
The sequel to Inside Out, entitled Inside Out 2, invites the audience to engage with the protagonist Riley's life as she transitions into adolescence and begins to experience the physical and psychological changes associated with puberty. This narrative arc allows the film to continue exploring the emotional journey of the main characters, which was initiated in the original film. The emotional landscape of Riley's mind is further complicated by the emergence of new emotions, including anxiety, embarrassment, boredom and jealousy. These new emotions serve to illustrate the intricate internal conflicts that arise within Riley. As a result of her physical and mental development, Riley is confronted with new emotional experiences that may influence her interactions with the surrounding environment. During adolescence, anxiety assumes a dominant position, impeding Riley's ability to navigate the uncertainty of this developmental period. This emotion portrays hypothetical scenarios that exert pressure on Riley, potentially evoking feelings of jealousy and shyness as she strives to integrate into her new social environment and form new friendships. It represents one of the internal conflicts experienced by Riley as she attempts to maintain her identity in the face of social demands and the demands of this new phase of life. The film is not only entertaining; it also provides an opportunity for reflection on emotional experiences and depicts a valuable transition period. The film Inside Out 2 offers a nuanced examination of the ways in which teenage girls interact with their emotions. It delves into the challenges that teenage girls encounter as they navigate the process of developing their identity and confront the inevitable changes that accompany this phase of life.
The film Inside Out provides an overview of the spectrum of human emotions through the portrayal of five main characters: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust. This film demonstrates how Freud's concept of psychoanalysis is applied to emotional characters. As is widely known, Freud proposed three components of the human personality: the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. These are understood to function in order to regulate individual thoughts and behaviour. In this film, the Id is represented by Anger, Fear and Disgust, as these emotions are analogous to the Id concept. These emotions are indicative of an impulse or instinct that acts impulsively, with the desire for Riley to act without thinking or developing broader consequences. In this film, the ego serves as an intermediary between the various emotions in Riley, with Joy acting as the intermediary emotion. This emotion strives to harmonise the other emotions in order to maintain stability in Riley's behaviour. Joy endeavours to ensure Riley's happiness by maintaining equilibrium between the feelings that arise, in accordance with the role of the ego as the mediator between the id and superego. The superego functions as a source of values and norms in the character of Sadness, which serves to illustrate that not all emotions should be automatically regarded as positive or acceptable. Sadness also provides the value of sadness, which is essential for understanding one's feelings in a more authentic manner. Sadness prompts Riley to consider the moral implications of her actions and the significance of maintaining close emotional bonds with others.
In Inside Out 2, other emotions such as anxiety, envy, embarrassment and ennui are also included in the components of the human personality according to Freud. Anxiety frequentlyemerges when conflicts arise between the Id, Ego and Superego. It can be conceptualised as a signal from the ego indicating an unfulfilled urge from the Id, potentially due to obstacles or discrepancies between Id impulses and external reality or superego influences. In this film, anxiety is present when Riley experiences emotional conflict. One such instance is when Riley's two best friends decide to attend a different high school. Riley's wishes are not fulfilled, leading the ego to perceive this as a threat and trigger anxiety to signal potential concerns or obstacles that Riley must overcome. With regard to envy, this can be linked to the Id, which is often a basic urge to have or get what others have. This ultimately conflicts with the identity or norms that the superego considers. One example of envy is when Riley is jealous of others and this is a drive from the Id that wants status, attention or ability.
However, the ego must be able to mediate envy so that Riley does not damage his relationships with others. The third emotion that appears in the film Inside out 2 is Embarrassment which is the result of control from the superego when the ego contradicts existing social values or norms. Embarrassment can appear when Riley does something that he thinks is inappropriate and violates social expectations, then the superego raises Embarrassment as a warning that will affect Riley's actions and can feel himself. Then the last emotion that arises during Riley's adolescence is Ennui or boredom, this emotion can occur when the Id's desires are not fulfilled but the ego and superego do not allow to fulfil these desires which in turn makes the individual feel dissatisfied. Ennui in Riley arises when he feels unsatisfied with the fulfilment of his emotional needs or desires and brings up boredom, which is the impulse of Id that is not conveyed or channelled by Ego and Superego. The four additional emotions that appear in Inside Out 2 serve to illustrate the complex relationship or interaction between Id, Ego, and Superego, particularly as Riley's physical, mental, and emotional development becomes more complex or complicated. The emotions of anxiety, envy, embarrassment, and ennui provide insight into how Riley's thoughts and attitudes are not only influenced by the five main emotions, but also how teenage Riley begins to experience a range of complex emotions related to internal conflicts and social values. This is consistent with the typical psychological development experienced by teenagers, particularly teenage girls.
Consequently, Inside Out 2 furnishes the audience with an exhaustive understanding of emotional equilibrium in navigating the intricacies of adolescent existence. The film elucidates Riley's emotional maturation concomitant with the psychological transformations of puberty. The film illustrates the intricate interconnections between the id, ego, and superego, as postulated by Freud's theory of psychoanalysis, through the introduction of four additional emotions. The film provides an overview of the internal conflicts and lives of teenagers, including anxiety, which is exacerbated by social pressures and confusion in the process of developing an identity. The film is not only entertaining but also serves as a reflection tool for the audience to understand and balance the conflicting emotional drives in every human being. Riley provides an important overview of the emotional challenges that every teenager will face and the challenges that will be faced in managing or regulating these complicated feelings with the aim of finding emotional balance in facing a complex life.
Khaiyla Shiva Abdurahman
(Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris UNJ)